Stephen Odaibo

Stephen Odaibo

Company: RETINA-AI Health, Inc

Job title: CEO & Founder


Navigating the Impact of Generative AI on Medical Device Manufacturers 12:30 pm

Exploring the challenges and opportunities that generative AI introduces to medical device manufacturers, including advancements in design and production efficiency Discussing strategies for manufacturers to leverage this technology for enhanced innovation and efficiency Addressing potential regulatory considerations when introducing generative AI into your medical device product developmentRead more

day: Day Two

Panel Discussion: Where is AI Today & What is the Chance that Regulatory Bodies will Catch Up? 11:30 am

Examining the present landscape of AI and its applications, exploring the advancements and innovations shaping the technology today Assessing the current regulatory landscape in relation to AI and potential challenges and opportunities in aligning regulations AI innovations Considering potential strategies for achieving a harmonious relationship between AI advancements and regulatory oversightRead more

day: Day Two

Opening Remarks 8:50 am

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day: Day Two

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